
Index>>ShuiCheng County introduction
  ShuiCheng County introduction  

  Shuicheng County is located in the hinterland of Liupanshui, the cool City of China,and at the boundary areas among 4 provinces, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangxi. It is an important watershed between Changjiang River and Zhujian River. It is also one of the key coal production counties in china. It is Sanitary County of Guizhou Province, Civilized County of Guizhou Province , Township of Modern Folk Painting in China, and Township of Folk Culture and Art in China. The county governs 4 sub-districts, 13 townships and 13 towns, with a total area of 3606km²and a total population of 890,000. There are people of 26 ethnic groups living in the county, including Han, Yi, Miao and Buyi. People of minorities account for 42% of the total population. In 2014, the county`s GPD was RMB 18.11 billion Yun, ranking 15th among counties of Guizhou Province in terms of economy.