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Liupanshui Party Secretary Li Gang: Industrial Economy Is Always the First Pillar of Economy in Liupanshui

Jinzhao Geng Haokan (literally, a better today) — a large media live show promoted by Guizhou Radio & Television Station and media from cities and prefectures around the province, will be broadcast simultaneously on Guizhou TV, Downcc news client, Guizhou G+TV, and many other platforms from September 4. The live broadcast today introduces the "Cool City of China", Liupanshui.

The most significant feature of the regional economy in Liupanshui is industry, which is also deep-rooted in the city's history. At an exclusive interview with Li Gang, the Party Secretary invited the Downcc correspondence to the Third-Front Movement themed park in Panzhou. He also told the correspondence that the development of Liupanshui cannot do without the spirit of the Third-Front Movement or industrial prosperity.

After a decade of hard work, the city enjoyed rapid development. The future of Guizhou is promising, and we are looking forward to the next success.

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